
王艳 / 副研究员







  1. 微加工技术 
  2. 微通道散热器 
  3. 碳纳米管修饰电极



  1. WangYan, Guifu Ding, Shi Fu, “Highly efficient manifold microchannel heatsink”, Electronics Letters, v 43, n 18, 2007, p 978-980
  2. WangYan, Guifu Ding, “A microchannel heat sink with unitary circular flow and short distance heat transfer mode: Design and analysis” Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nanosystems 2007, v A, Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nanosystems 2007, 2007, p 747-750
  3. WangYan, Guifu Ding, “Numerical analysis of heat transfer in a manifold microchannel heat sink with high efficient copper heat spreader”, Microsystem Technologies, 14(2008),389-395
  4.  WangYan, Guifu Ding, “Experimental investigation of heat transfer performance for a novel microchannel heat sink”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18 (2008) 035021 (8pp)
  5. Min Deng, Guifu Ding , WangYan, Huiqing Wu, Yuanjin Yao, Lida Zhu. Fabrication of Ni-matrix carbon nanotube field emitters using composite electroplating and micromachining. C A R B ON 4 7 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 3 4 6 6 –3 4 7 1 (IF 4.373)
  6. Min Deng, Guifu Ding, WangYan, Hong Wang, Shi Fu. MEMS-based carbon nanotube and carbon nanofiber Cu micro special electric contact .J. Micromech. Microeng. 19 (2009) 065001 (8pp) (IF2.233)
  7. Min Deng, Guifu Ding, WangYan, Hong Wang. Mass production of triode-type carbon nanotube field emission micro-cathode arrays using composite electroplating and micromachining at room temperature. C A R B ON ( Revised)




  1. 重点实验室基金:永磁材料微结构图形化集成制造技术
  2. 长虹集团合作项目:新型铝电极及氧化铝介质薄膜技术及材料研究
  3. GRT合作项目:微型标识加工
