王艳 / 副研究员
- 微加工技术
- 微通道散热器
- 碳纳米管修饰电极
- WangYan, Guifu Ding, Shi Fu, “Highly efficient manifold microchannel heatsink”, Electronics Letters, v 43, n 18, 2007, p 978-980
- WangYan, Guifu Ding, “A microchannel heat sink with unitary circular flow and short distance heat transfer mode: Design and analysis” Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nanosystems 2007, v A, Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nanosystems 2007, 2007, p 747-750
- WangYan, Guifu Ding, “Numerical analysis of heat transfer in a manifold microchannel heat sink with high efficient copper heat spreader”, Microsystem Technologies, 14(2008),389-395
- WangYan, Guifu Ding, “Experimental investigation of heat transfer performance for a novel microchannel heat sink”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18 (2008) 035021 (8pp)
- Min Deng, Guifu Ding , WangYan, Huiqing Wu, Yuanjin Yao, Lida Zhu. Fabrication of Ni-matrix carbon nanotube field emitters using composite electroplating and micromachining. C A R B ON 4 7 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 3 4 6 6 –3 4 7 1 (IF 4.373)
- Min Deng, Guifu Ding, WangYan, Hong Wang, Shi Fu. MEMS-based carbon nanotube and carbon nanofiber Cu micro special electric contact .J. Micromech. Microeng. 19 (2009) 065001 (8pp) (IF2.233)
- Min Deng, Guifu Ding, WangYan, Hong Wang. Mass production of triode-type carbon nanotube field emission micro-cathode arrays using composite electroplating and micromachining at room temperature. C A R B ON ( Revised)
- 重点实验室基金:永磁材料微结构图形化集成制造技术
- 长虹集团合作项目:新型铝电极及氧化铝介质薄膜技术及材料研究
- GRT合作项目:微型标识加工