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近年来作为项目负责人主持国家重点研发计划项目子课题、国家自然科学基金仪器专项项目子课题、GY专项、上海交通大学深蓝计划基金重点项目、上海市自然科学基金项目、航天支撑技术基金项目、上海交通大学航天先进技术联合研究中心技术创新项目、重点实验室基金项目以及企业横向项目。参与完成十二五民用航天项目、国家自然科学基金项目、国家科技支撑计划项目、国家863项目、上海市纳米专项、上海市基础科研重点项目等。已发表SCI论文100余篇,授权专利17项。担任了ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Nanoscale、Analytica Chimica Acta、ACS Applied Polymer Materials、IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices、Applied Surface Science、ACS Applied Electronic Materials等二十余份国内外学术期刊的特约审稿人。
1. MEMS器件与集成技术
2. 智能目标感知
3. 生物芯片系统
- Quankun Ma, Jianing Liu, Tao Wu, Huan Chen, Xuecheng Sun, Chong Lei*, A centimetre-level two-dimensional cross micro tensor used uniaxial MEMS fluxgate chip for portable magnetic detection, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, V71 n1, pp.944-948, 2024. IF: 3.221.
- Chong Lei, Quankun Ma, Shaotao Zhi, Lili Yan, Chong Zhang, Cui Liu, Xuecheng Sun*, Planar spiral micro-inductor based on graphene/Cu composite film conductive coil manufactured by MEMS technology, Journal of Electronic Materials, V52, pp.8030–8037, 2023. IF: 2.1.
- Zhen Yang, Mengyu Liu, Liming Luo, Zhenbao Wang, Haihua Li, Xuecheng Sun and Chong Lei*, Comparison of magnetoimpedance behaviors in meander CoFeNiSiB amorphous ribbon for deformation sensing applications, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, V36, pp.125802, 2024. IF:2.7.
- Chong Lei, Quankun Ma, Shaotao Zhi, Lili Yan, Chong Zhang, Cui Liu, Xuecheng Sun*, Planar spiral micro-inductor based on graphene/Cu composite film conductive coil manufactured by MEMS technology, Journal of Electronic Materials, online, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s11664-023-10720-3.
- Ziwei Wang, Ying Shen, Chong Lei, Jiazeng Wang, Shuxiang Zhao, Jiamin Chen, Zhaoqiang Chu, and Junqi Gao, Highly-Sensitive MEMS Micro-Fluxgate Magnetometer, IEEE Electron Device Letters, V43, n8, pp.1327-1330, 2022. IF: 4.816.
- Shaotao Zhi, Xuecheng Sun *, Qiaozhen Zhang, Jie Chen, Xiangfen, Zhang, Hongyu Chen, Chong Lei*, Demagnetization effect in a meander-core orthogonal fluxgate sensor, Micromachines, V12 n8, pp.937, 2021. IF: 2.52.
- Zhu Feng, Shaotao Zhi, Mingchen Wei, Yong Zhou, Cui Liu, Chong Lei*, An integrated three-dimensional micro-solenoid giant magnetoimpedance sensing system based on MEMS technology, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, V299, pp.111640, 2019. IF: 2.74
- Zhu Feng, Shaotao Zhi, Lei Guo, Yong Zhou, Chong Lei*, An integrated magnetic microfluidic chip for rapid immunodetection of the prostate specific antigen using immunomagnetic beads, Microchimica Acta, V186, n252, pp.1-4, 2019. IF: 5.48
- Shaotao Zhi, Xuecheng Sun, Zhu Feng, Chong Lei*, Yong Zhou, An innovative micro magnetic separator based on 3D micro-copper-coil exciting soft magnetic tips and FeNi wires for bio-target sorting, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, V23, n3, pp.43, 2019. IF: 2.384.
- Zhu Feng, Shaotao Zhi, Lei Guo, Chong Lei*, Yong Zhou*, A novel integrated microfluidic platform based on micro-magnetic sensor for magnetic beads manipulation and detection, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, V22, n8, pp.86, 2018. IF: 2.384.
- Chong Lei, Xue-cheng Sun, Yong Zhou, Noise analysis and improvement of a micro-electro-mechanical-systems fluxgate sensor, Measurement, V122, pp. 1-5, 2018. IF: 2.218.
- Shaotao Zhi, Zhu Feng, Lei Guo, Chong Lei*, Yong Zhou*, Investigation of a novel MEMS orthogonal fluxgate sensor fabricated with Co-based amorphous ribbon core, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, V267, pp.121-126, 2017. IF: 2.311.
- Xue-cheng Sun, Zhu Feng, Shaotao Zhi, Chong Lei*, Di Zhang, Yong Zhou*, An integrated microfluidic system using a micro-fluxgate and micro spiral coil for magnetic microbeads trapping and detecting, Scientific Reports, V7, pp.12967, 2017. IF: 4.122.(Top 100 in Scientific Reports Chemistry papers in 2017)
- Lei Guo, Shaotao Zhi, Xue-cheng Sun, Chong Lei*, Yong Zhou*, Ultrasensitive detection of bioanalytes based on signal amplification of coil-integrated giant magnetoimpedance biosystems, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, V247, pp.1-10, 2017. IF: 5.667.
- Tao Wang, Yong Zhou, Chong Lei, Jun Luo, Shaorong Xie, Huayan Pu, Magnetic impedance biosensor: A review, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, V90, pp.418-435, 2017. IF:8. 173.
- Chong Lei, Xue-cheng Sun, Yong Zhou, Reverse optimization of an integrated solenoid fluxgate sensor based on Co-based amorphous soft magnetic ribbon, Journal of Electronic Materials, V45, n10, pp. 5356-5361, 2016. IF: 1.566.
- Xue-cheng Sun, Chong Lei*, Lei Guo, Yong Zhou, Sandwich immunoassay for the prostate specific antigen using a micro-fluxgate and magnetic bead labels, Microchimica Acta, V183, n8, pp.2385-2393, 2016. IF:5.705.
- Xue-cheng Sun, Chong Lei*, Lei Guo, Yong Zhou*, Separable detecting of Escherichia coli O157H:H7 by a Giant magneto-resistance-based bio-sensing system, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, V234, pp.485-492, 2016. IF: 5.667.
- Zhen Yang, Yan Liu, Chong Lei*, Xue-cheng Sun, Yong Zhou*, Ultrasensitive detection and quantification of E. coli O157:H7 using a giant magnetoimpedance sensor in an open-surface microfluidic cavity covered with an antibody-modified gold surface, Microchimica Acta, V183, n6, pp.1831-1837, 2016. IF:5.705.
- Xue-cheng Sun, Chong Lei, Lei Guo, Yong Zhou*, Giant magneto-resistance based immunoassay for the tumor marker carcinoembryonic antigens, Microchimica Acta, V183, n3, pp.1107-1114, 2016. IF: 5.705.
- Xue-cheng Sun, Zhen Yang, Chong Lei*, Yan Liu, Lei Guo, Yong Zhou*, An innovative detecting way of Escherichia coli O157H:H7 by a micro-fluxgate-based bio-sensing system, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, V221, pp.985-992, 2015. IF: 5.667.
- Zhen Yang, Yan Liu, Chong Lei*, Xue-cheng Sun, Yong Zhou*, A flexible giant magnetoimpedance-based biosensor for the determination of the biomarker C-reactive protein, Microchimica Acta, V182, n15, pp.2411-2417, 2015. IF:5.705.
- Chong Lei, Yan Liu, Xue-cheng Sun, Zhen Yang, Yong Zhou, Improved performance of integrated solenoid fluxgate sensor chip using a bi-layer Co-based ribbon core, IEEE Sensors Journal, V15, n9, pp.5010-5014, 2015. IF: 2.617.
- Tao Wang, Chong Lei*, Zhen Yang, Xue-cheng Sun, Yan Liu, Yong Zhou, Meander-shaped magnetoimpedance sensor for measuring inhomogeneous magnetic fringe fields of NiFe films, Applied Physics Letters, V105 172404, 2014. IF: 3.495.
- Chong Lei, Xue-cheng Sun, Cui Liu, Jian Lei, Tao Wang, Zhen Yang, Yong Zhou, Detection of Dynabeads in small bias magnetic field by a micro fluxgate-based sensing system, Journal of Applied Physics, V116, 154701, 2014. IF:2.176.
- Tao Wang, Zhen Yang, Chong Lei*, Jian Lei, Yong Zhou, Quantitative determination of magnetic beads using a magnetoimpedance-based lab-on-a-chip platform, Journal of Applied Physics, V115, 223901 ,2014. IF:2.176.
- Tao Wang, Zhen Yang, Chong Lei, Jian Lei, Yong Zhou, An integrated giant magnetoimpedance biosensor for detection of biomarker, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, V58, pp.338-344, 2014. IF: 8.173.
- Jian Lei, Chong Lei*, Tao Wang, Zhen Yang, Yong Zhou*, Detection of targeted carcinoembryonic antigens using a micro-fluxgate-based biosensor, Applied Physics Letters, V103, 203705, 2013. IF:3.495.
- Tao Wang, Chong Lei, Jian Lei, Zhen Yang, Yong Zhou, Development of an ingenious method for determination of Dynabeads protein A based on a giant magnetoimpedance sensor, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, V186, pp.727-733, 2013. IF: 5.667.
- Jian Lei, Chong Lei*, Tao Wang, Zhen Yang, Yong Zhou, Detection of dynabeads using a micro-electro-mechanical-systems fluxgate sensor, Applied Physics Letters, V102, n2, 022413, 2013. IF: 3.495.
- Lei Chen, Chen-Chen Bao, Hao Yang, Ding Li, Chong Lei, Yong Zhou, Da-Xiang Cui, A prototype of giant magnetoimpedance-based biosensing system for targeted detection of gastric cancer cells, Biosensor and Bioelectronics, V26, pp.3246-3253, 2011. IF: 8.173.
- Chong Lei, Yong Zhou, Xiao-Yu Gao, Wen Ding, Ying Cao, Hyung Choi, Jonghwa Won, Fabrication of a solenoid-type inductor with Fe-based soft magnetic core, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2007, V308, pp.284-288. IF:3.046.
- Lei, Chong; Jiang-Gao Mao,*; Sun, Y. Q.; Song, J. L., A novel organic-inorganic hybrid based on an 8-electron-reduced keggin polymolybdate capped by tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramidal, and octahedral zinc: Synthesis and crystal structure of (CH3NH3)(H(2)bipy)[Zn-4(bipy)(3)(H2O)(2)(MO8MoVI)-Mo-V O-4(36)(Po-4)]center dot 4H(2)O. Inorganic Chemistry, 2004, V43, n6, pp.1964-1968. IF: 4.700.
- Lei, Chong; Mao, Jiang-Gao*; Sun, Y. Q.; Zeng, H. Y.; Clearfield, A., {Zn-6[MeN(CH2CO2)(CH2PO3)](6)(Zn)}(4-) anion: The first example of the oxo-bridged Zn-6 octahedron with a centered Zn(II) cation. Inorganic Chemistry, 2003, V42, n20, pp.6157-6159. IF: 4.700.
1. 重点研发计划项目子课题
2. 国家自然科学基金仪器专项项目子课题
3. 上海交通大学深蓝计划基金重点项目