学术讲座通知:赵博 How to Miniaturize the Radios?



演讲题目:How to Miniaturize the Radios?





Abstract:The proliferation of the IoT and low-power sensors would benefit greatly from battery-less compact radios that require no external components. Such a radio could be used for future RFID, wearable/implantable devices, and counter-counterfeit electronics. Previous demonstrations have focused primarily on miniaturizing the radio size, but relying on off-chip antennas. There is a big challenge to enable sufficiently small radios with on-chip antennas. The ultra-small die area precludes the use of any on-chip energy storage (such as large capacitors or inductors) or a large antenna, so sufficient power must be supplied wirelessly. The wireless power tone acts as a large blocker for the uplink communication signal, resulting in a poor uplink signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and signal-to-blocker ratio (SBR). For wearable/implantable devices, the antennas are also the bottleneck of miniature designs. In this talk, I will demonstrate an RFID system used to detect counterfeit electronics that addresses the design challenge by a new two-tone technique. To miniaturize the wearable/implantable devices, I will talk about several ways to make use of the human body to get rid of the antennas.



赵博  研究员

2011年获清华大学博士学位。2013-2015年于新加坡国立大学做研究员,2015-2018年于美国加州大学伯克利分校任助理项目科学家。于2018年6月正式加入浙江大学信电学院。长期从事CMOS射频芯片设计,先后流片设计十余款射频芯片,包括无线供电芯片、可穿戴/植入式通信芯片、微型化硬件安全芯片等、以及相关的配套系统。设计了世界上最小的Radio芯片,尺寸仅有116umx116um,无需电池、无需管脚、带片上天线、双向通信,成果以第一作者发表于ISSCC。在电路与系统领域以第一/通信作者发表IEEE Transaction/Journal论文十余篇,2013年获得ISLPED 设计竞赛奖,2017年获国际电路与系统协会 “达林顿奖”,2018年被DARPA提名为DARPA RISER。目前为IEEE高级会员,担任ISCAS、BioCAS、A-SSCC等国际会议的组委会成员。