吴开宇 / 长聘教轨副教授、博导

方向: 微纳光学、微纳制造
主要从事微纳光子学设计、制造与检测技术的研究。具体研究方向为:表面等离激元功能器件设计与制造、表面增强光谱学与其在食品安全、环境监测、疾病早期诊断等领域的应用。研制的器件被Nasdaq斯德哥尔摩上市公司SERSTECH用于原位毒品检测的应用开发。近年来,作为子课题负责人,承担欧盟EDRF地区发展项目1项;作为主要完成人,参与欧盟ERC Advanced Grant项目1项、丹麦国家研究基金DNRF项目1项、丹麦独立研究基金DFF项目1项。在Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Letters, Small, Advanced Optical Materials, ACS Sensors等知名学术期刊发表SCI论文24篇,其中第一或通讯作者11篇(含ESI高被引论文1篇),总影响因子约140点,h因子13,近五年论文引用数400余次;获重要国际专业会议邀请报告4次;获第五届等离激元光子学前沿国际会议最佳墙报奖;为Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano, Small, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, ACS Sensors等知名SCI期刊审稿20余次;任SCI期刊Biosensors专栏编辑。
- V.P. Rangacharya, K. Wu*, P. E. Larsen, L. H. E. Thamdrup, O. Ilchenko, E.-T. Hwu, T. Rindzevicius and A. Boisen, “Quantifying Optical Absorption of Single Plasmonic Nanoparticles and Nanoparticle Dimers Using Microstring Resonators”, ACS Sens., 2020, 5, 2067-2075.
- K.Wu*, L. Q. Nguyen*, T. Rindzevicius, S. S. Keller and A. Boisen, “Wafer-Scale Polymer-Based Transparent Nanocorals with Excellent Nanoplasmonic Photothermal Stability for High-Power and Superfast SERS Imaging”, Adv. Opt. Mater., 2019, 7, 1901413, 1-11.
- K.Wu, T. Li*, M. S. Schmidt, T. Rindzevicius, A. Boisen* and S. Ndoni, “Gold Nanoparticles Sliding on Recyclable Nanohoodoos – Engineered for Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2018, 28, 1704818, 1-11.
- O. Durucan*, K. Wu*, M. Viehrig, T. Rindzevicius and A. Boisen, “Nanopillar-Assisted SERS Chromatography”, ACS Sens., 2018, 3, 2492-2498.
- M. Viehrig*, A. H. Thilsted, M. Matteucci, K. Wu*, D. Catak, M. S. Schmidt, K. Zór* and A. Boisen, “Injection-Molded Microfluidic Device for SERS Sensing Using Embedded Au-Capped Polymer Nanocones”, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 2018, 10, 37417-37425.
- J. Ashley, K. Wu*, M. F. Hansen, M. S. Schmidt, A. Boisen and Y. Sun*, “Quantitative Detection of Trace Level Cloxacillin in Food Samples Using Magnetic Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Extraction and Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Nanopillars”, Anal. Chem., 2017, 89, 11484-11490.
- K. Wu*, T. Rindzevicius, M. S. Schmidt, A. H. Thilsted and A. Boisen,“Optimizing silver-capped silicon nanopillars to simultaneously realize macroscopic, practical-level SERS signal reproducibility and high enhancement at low costs”, J. Raman Spectrosc., 2017, 48, 1808-1818.
- A. H. Thilsted*, J. Y. Pan, K. Wu, K. Zór, T. Rindzevicius, M. S. Schmidt and A. Boisen, “Lithography-Free Fabrication of Silica Nanocylinders with Suspended Gold Nanorings for LSPR-Based Sensing”, Small, 2016, 12, 6745-6752.
- K. Wu, T. Rindzevicius*, M. S. Schmidt, K. B. Mogensen, A. Hakonen and A. Boisen, “Wafer-Scale Leaning Silver Nanopillars for Molecular Detection at Ultra-Low Concentrations”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119, 2053-2062.(2015年ESI高被引论文)
- K. Wu*, T. Rindzevicius, M. S. Schmidt, K. B. Mogensen, S. Xiao and A. Boisen, “Plasmon resonances of Ag capped Si nanopillars fabricated using mask-less lithography”, Opt. Express, 2015, 23, 12965-12978.
11.S. Schmid*, K. Wu, P. E. Larsen, T. Rindzevicius and A. Boisen, “Low-Power Photothermal Probing of Single Plasmonic Nanostructures with Nanomechanical String Resonators”, Nano Lett., 2014, 14, 2318-2321.