

    主持上海市自然科学基金(11ZR1418300,10万)、上海市浦江人才计划(09PJ1405600,20万)、总装预先研究基金项目(No. 9140A08080410JW03,20万),参与主持上海市国际科技合作项目(No. 09540701900,30万)。申请者2004年以来为IEEE, OSA, SPIE 会员。2006年10月获美国光学学会(OSA)的Incubic/Milton Chang奖。2007年6月获美国美中关系全国委员会资助赴华盛顿参与年度外交论坛,探讨中美科技教育交流合作。申请者目前为Sensors, Sensor Letters, Sensors & Actuators、Applied Optics、Biomedical Optics Express学术期刊以及IEEE BioCAS、 ISCAS、EMEIT、ICEOE等国际会议的审稿专家。2009年和2011年任IEEE Symposium on Photonics & Optoelectronics国际会议分会主席。2010年4月获上海交通大学优秀人才计划奖励。

    本科课程《集成电路工艺技术基础》 (校全英语示范课程)、《光电原理与传感器应用》(985三期全英语建设课程)



    S. M. Weiss and G. Rong, “Porous silicon waveguides for small molecule detection,” in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for Chemical and Biological Defense, edited by R. Nagarajan, W. Zukas, T. A. Hatton, and S. Lee (ACS Symposium Series vol. 1016, Oxford University Press, 2010), Chpt. 14, pp. 185-194.

    荣国光/博士 ,硕导

    荣国光博士主要研究为基于多孔硅光波导的高灵敏度生物分子传感器,博士课题使用多孔硅光波导进行生物分子传感,定量分析DNA杂交检测,并比较了多孔硅光波导传感器与倐逝波传感器相比灵敏度的提高,评估了生物分子大小对基于多孔材料的生物分子传感器灵敏度的影响。在攻读博士期间以项目骨干身份参与美国NSF项目两项(ECCS-0722143 ,ECCS-0746296)、美国陆军项目一项(Army Research Office Grant No. W911NF-08-1-0200)和美国能源部项目一项。

    Dr. David Rong graduated from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Department of Electrical Engineering and got Bachelor’s degree in 2000. He graduated from American Rose-Hulman Institute with a Master’s degree of Technology Electrical Engineering in 2003 and Vanderbilt University with a Ph.D. in electrical engineering in 2008.During the doctoral,Dr.David Rong principally engaged in the porous silicon-based integrated optics, nanoscale biosensors used in DNA testing and other areas of research(the U.S. NSF supported).

    Dr. David Rong is long time active in the academic front. He won the bonus of the annual meeting of the Optical Society of America Frontiers in Optics / Laser Sciences. He has published 15 papers in world-class academic journals and conferences involving 6 SCI.

    Dr. David Rong,works in School of Microelectronics of Shanghai Jiaotong University from October 2008. The main research directions is porous silicon integrated optical devices, biosensors,porous materials and nano-devices in other biomedical field.