
Upload your assignments

Dear all,

Please upload your assignments to; username and password has been given on the class.

Log on this ftp and find our class RFIC in bachelor’s category.

Kindly a remind that late work will be penalized.


By |4月 10th, 2013|News|评论关闭|

Lab schedule

Dear all,

We will have two lab classes this semester.

The first lab is on the week when Mixer has been discussed, the second lab is after VCO’s week.

The TA is responsible for the instruction of Cadence SpectreRF use.

Please do attend lab classes as the final project requires a certain use of EDA tools.


By |4月 10th, 2013|News|评论关闭|

Assignment Deadline

Dear all,

Please submit your late work to TA’s email before the last class.

Further late work will get no point.


By |4月 10th, 2013|News|评论关闭|

Final Project

Dear all,

The date of presentation class for your final project is approaching.

Please come to class 10 minutes early as we have 9 group to give reports.


By |4月 9th, 2013|News|评论关闭|

Score List

Dear all,

A list of scores for each assignment will be given soon.

If you have any misgrade problem or uncertain issue, please do not hesitate to contact the TA.

All the checked scores will count to the final grades.


By |4月 9th, 2013|News|评论关闭|