
These are programs developed by the EDALab of School of Microelectronics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. They are used for analog circuit research. You can use them free in your research.

These programs are introduced as following.

1. A BDD Base Package

It is an independent library for use in GPDD and DDD etc. that use Binary Decision Diagrams.

Download:BDD Base

2. A GPDD Package

It is a symbolic ac simulation program for analog circuits, using Graph Pair Decision Diagram Approach.


3. JSpice [for UnderGraduate Summer Intern Project]

It is a functional simulator, combining a numerical analog simulator using MNA and a symbolic ac simulator using GPDD. You can find more details in the attachment.


4. Analog Schematic Editor[for Undergraduate Summer Intern Project ]

It is a simple schematic editor implemented in Qt. There are two compressed folders in the attachment, one is the original package for windows, and the other is modified so that it can be compiled on linux.