Welcome to the Mixed-Signal Design Automation (MSDA) Research Laboratory at School of Microelectronics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
The SJTU MSDA Research Lab was established in 2005. Our research is mainly dedicated to the development of mixed-signal integrated circuit design automation tools. Since 2006, this lab has participated in three research projects sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), one project sponsored by the Shanghai municipal city government, and one project sponsored by the Ministry of Education.
Our main contributions include modeling and analysis algorithms for interconnects, symbolic analysis algorithms and tools for analog integrated circuits, and statistical analysis and verification methodologies for integrated circuits subject to process variation. Our research papers have been published mainly in journals like IEEE Transactions on CAD, on VLSI, on CAS, and Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (AICSP), and in international conferences such as ICCAD, DAC, ASPDAC, ISCAS, MWSCAS, NEWCAS, and APCCAS, etc. The main contributions produced by this laboratory include symbolic circuit analysis methods called Graph-Pair Decision Diagram (GPDD) and Symbolic Moment Computation (SMC), which are used for analyzing large-scale integrated circuits. We are currently developing analog circuit design tools with interactive interface, which can help the designer understand circuit, and system-level design automation tools for mixed-signal integrated circuits.