
Seminar: From Communication Algorithm to VLSI Architecture: Algorithm-Architecture Codesign for Digital Baseband Receiver

Title: From Communication Algorithm to VLSI Architecture: Algorithm-Architecture Codesign for Digital Baseband Receiver Speaker: Dr Zhifeng WU Department of Electronic Engineering National Chao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan Host: Dr Guoxing Wang When: 10:00 – 11:00, May 14, 2014 Where: Room 401, Building of School of Microelectronics   Abstract: Both the communication algorithm and the VLSI

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seminar: Making a different semiconductor laser

Title: Making a different semiconductor laser Speaker: Tang Xiaohong Associate Professor Division of Microelectronics School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, College of Engineering Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Time: 15:30 – 16:30, Friday, March 21, 2014 Place: Room 401   Abstract: Photonic devices used in optical communication systems are relatively large, discrete components, as opposed to

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Seminar: Making a different semiconductor laser

Seminar Information Title: Making a different semiconductor laser Speaker: Tang Xiaohong Associate Professor Division of Microelectronics School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, College of Engineering Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Time: 15:30 – 16:30, Friday, March 21, 2014 Place: Room 401   Abstract: Photonic devices used in optical communication systems are relatively large, discrete components, as

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Vice Chancellor of NCTU Shieh Hanping Visited SJTU

On November 8, Shieh Hanping, Vice Chancellor of National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) paid a visit to SJTU. Huang Zhen, Vice President of SJTU, met with the delegation. Huang Zhen extended warm welcome to the delegation and made a brief introduction about the joint trainning of postgraduates, summer sessions and student exchanges, and also he

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SJTU-TI IC Testing Joint Laboratory Established

On the morning of September 24, the unveiling ceremony of the establishment of IC Testing Joint Laboratory was held at the lecture hall in School of Microelectronics. The laboratory is co-funded by SJTU School of Microelectronics and Texas Instruments Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. Vice President Li Jianqiang presented and delivered a speech on behalf of

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Taiwan National Program for Intelligent Electronics Delegation Visited SJTU

On September 12, Taiwan National Program for Intelligent Electronics delegation paid a visit to SJTU. Vice president Mei Hong received the delegation. The delegation consisted of Chen Wencun, the chief leader of the program and former president of National Tsing Hua University, and many other professors from National Tsing Hua University, National Chiao Tung University,

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Seminar: Microsystems Research at the University of Virginia

Title: Microsystems Research at the University of Virginia Date: 7/1/2013, 14:00 Location: Room 401, Microelectronics Building, SJTU Speaker: Michael L. Reed Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA USA Host: Dr. Huang Qiyu Abstract Progress in scaling microelectronic systems has served as an engine of innovation for decades, underpinning advances in

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Seminar: Why Design for Test (DFT) and Where It Goes

Seminar Information   Title: Why Design for Test (DFT) and Where It Goes Time: 10:00-11:30am,March 28, 2013(Thursday) Location: Room 401, School of Microelectronics Speaker: Dr. Liyang Lai (Mentor Graphics) Host: Dr. Xiaoyong Li   Abstract With increasing complexity and size of integrated circuits, today’s large SoCs are more and more difficult to test and verify.

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Seminar:Demystifying Product and Test Engineering in the Semiconductor Industry

Title: Demystifying Product and Test Engineering in the Semiconductor Industry Time:2:00-3:00pm,Dec.19, 2012(Wednesday) Location:Room 401, Building of School of Microelectronics, SJTU Speaker:Benjamin K. Sarpong Technical Talent Development Manager, Senior Member Technical Staff Texas Instruments Inc, Dallas, TX Host: Prof. Fu Yuzhuo Abstract: The product and test engineering functions in the semiconductor industry work in concert during

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Seminar:Innovation at Texas Instruments- How You Can Change the Future

Time: 10:00-11:00am,May 18, 2012(Friday) Location:Room 401, School of Microelectronics Title: Innovation at Texas Instruments- How You Can Change the Future Speaker: Arthur L. George, Senior vice president and manager, Analog Engineering Operations, Texas Instruments Abstract: The presentation will explain the different roles that are available to electrical engineers in the semiconductor industry. Students will learn how

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School of MicroElectronics