Title: Receiver Design for Wireless Communications
Speaker: Dr. Li Xiaoyong (Qualcomm Incorporated, USA)
When: 2:00-2:45pm, Sept.20, 2011(Tuesday)
Where: Room 401, Building of School of Microelectronics
Host: Prof. Jianjun Zhou
In this talk, receiver design for wireless communication, from architectural requirements and tradeoffs to block level implementations, will be discussed with emphasis on comparisons among different implementation options. The design of a low-IF radio is outlined as one example, with both system-level optimization and innovative circuit techniques that lead to improved noise performance and reduced silicon area. Finally, the talk will be concluded by brief discussion on SoC challenges, such as noise coupling in radio concurrency scenario.
Li Xiaoyong received the B.S. and M.S. from Peking University, China. and the Ph.D. from the University of Washington, USA.
He is currently a Senior Staff Engineer and Project Lead of Qualcomm Incorporated, USA. He has published papers in JSSC, RFIC, ISSCC, TCAS-II etc. His research interests include CMOS RF analog integrated circuit design, wireless radio system and architecture.